
Image result for lazy writer

There’s a bit of a gap in some of my projects. This is just a reminder that I haven’t forgotten. Thanks for your patience.

I know that there’s plenty of great content from other folks. So I’m not pretending like everybody is waiting with baited breath for my uploads. But I don’t like to leave things unfinished. I especially don’t like leaving people hanging in the middle of stories because I’ve been on the receiving end of that.


This coming week….

I intend to…

New Sketch of Sam Monroe Sections

New Sections of She Sells Seahells  (Researching historical sailing info is a drag.)

New Parts of ‘Free Car’ (audio-story)

Fresh Poems

Fresh Vlogs

As of this post I have ten minutes of rendering time left for a new section of that audio story I started yesterday. Not anything amazing but I find it fun and hope you will too.