Journey Addiction

Image result for treetops at dusk

When looking for a flow state we immediately want to make drastic changes to our environment. Or to run to a totally different environment. Why is that?

In my teenage and early twenties years this desire manifested itself as rather unworkable visions of hoboing around the states. Living in forests. Or some remote set of cheap apartments whose antique spartan interiors would be the catalyst for lots of work.

Now approaching thirty I’ve come to view this as a form of procrastination.

That being said I don’t think this is necessarily just an adolescent phase.

Work is transformation and whether internal or external so is travel. These things are likely associated on a subconscious level. So it’s no wonder that folks of all ages crave pilgrimages of various stripes.

The idea of sequestering is not without merit. There’s a lot to be said with laying back after chopping up some fuel and watching the evening moon bob between swaying trees. It is a superb catalyst for creativity and flow states.

But for most folks camping trips are vacations. Yes, if you’re dedicated to being a crazy forest dwelling artist then it can become your life. But of course you now run the risk of the new normal. Perhaps getting over the lack of novelty is part of the art of longer journeys.

But…if that’s the case why not simply get over the lack of novelty right now and pull out that notebook?

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