TFS 22 – Coronavirus, Kvass, and Carolina Living


Note (I repeated a factoid from another YouTuber (CoffeeTalk) “bird flu has 98% or so survival rate) I was unable to confirm this via Google. All I got was survival rate of the virus strains in Korea not of people. I did find a sixty percent mortality rate. That being said I don’t think he’s entirely off the mark because the CDC said the following:
While the risk from Asian H5N1 is low to most people, CDC recommends general precautions.
Sporadic human infections with Asian H5N1 virus have occurred in other countries, primarily in Asia and Africa. Most human infections with Asian H5N1 viruses in other countries have occurred after prolonged and close contact with infected sick or dead birds.
No animal or human infections with Asian H5N1 virus have occurred in the United States.

Video is about Coronavirus news, media coverage, Kvass and beer, Russian memories, and the economy.

(I’m aware the audio doesn’t match. Sorry, I had no time to fix it.)

Coffee talk video: