Quench (Poem)

O thunder

O elemental force

From outstretched aeons

Such wonder

Mocks direction

Raise now the cup the jubilant shout

The desert muses silent

Beneath the weeping heavens

The tide is turning

The message sent

I was doing a bit of writing and decided to make a ‘cultist chant’ for some potential future stories about desert rites.  I hope, you enjoy it.

Currently, editing and working on finishing a fiction story of indeterminate length. I will attempt to make a vlog later this evening. But there’s no guarantee due to life being life.

I hope your memorial day is going well and you’ve had time to reflect on the sacrifices prior generations have made. But not so much that you forgot to enjoy the good times with friends and families that such sacrifices enable.

Best wishes,

Alex V. Weir

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