

Heroism is no longer reserved for individuals of especial merit. Apparently, you simply have to choose the right vocation. Sod the reason for your choice. No matter how mercenary. You’re a hero. Especially in a crisis – which you never mishandle. Because you know HERO!

Today Scott Adams said society owes healthcare workers a debt….

 I don’t get how society owes health care workers a debt that they don’t owe every other sector of the workforce. You chose a field, you knew the dangers, you wanted the prestige, the money, the challenge, you got it. I don’t owe you shit.

Especially not the hundreds of thousands of dollars you charge every time I stub my god damn toe.

Am I thankful? Sure. I’m also thankful to soldiers, grocers, and the god damn mailman.

This medic worship is the civilian version of the robotic “thank you for your service”. It too can go to hell.

HEROES! https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-05-03/medical-errors-are-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-us

Notes: As regards the link. It’s really hard to take care of the ill. Especially lots of them at once. This isn’t a jab at the medical field as a whole. Simply, presented as evidence that these are just people doing their jobs with the same variety of attitudes towards circumspection that exist in every other god damn profession.

Doing a difficult job is not heroic.

The video which did raise my ire:

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